Saturday, February 8, 2014

What to Do with Your Electronics

by Karen F. Cormier, REALTOR &  
While you may find having a TV in every room or multiple computer screens at your workspace to be a bonus, prospective buyers may not be as impressed. As it is for everything else when you stage your home to sell, you want to leave the slate as clean as possible so that others can potentially project their lives into your living space.

Does this mean that you need to put all electronics away? Not at all but here are some things you can do to reduce the technology “clutter” and sense of being overwhelmed that may be detracting from your house’s image.
  • Clean all electronics – electrical devices tend to attract dust and fingerprints because of their electrical charge. Carefully clean each device and wipe each screen.This is especially true in the kitchen where you can make some old and tired appliances and electrical gadgets look many years newer with a good (factory approved) scrubbing.
  • Wrap up cords – while you’re cleaning those electronic devices, untangle and use plastic ties to contain all of those electrical cords and tuck away what you can. You want your house to look neat, not like an electrical snake pit. 
  • Reduce what you have – if you have gaming systems only keep out the ones that you are currently using (if you even need to do that.) It’s not necessary to have on display every gaming console your kids have ever gotten. Let the kids know that if they want to play with a particular system, to just give you a few minutes to set it up.Likewise, take a look around the kids’ rooms and play areas. Reduce and remove electronic games and toys that are not necessary. Once again, you don’t have to get rid of them, but putting them in a drawer or in a basket in the closet would make a big difference to the feel of the room.
  • Eliminate computers clutter – some work areas require multiple computers while others don’t. See what you can eliminate (do you really need multiple screens or is it that you simply like multiple screens) and clean up the clutter that usually surrounds home computers (extra mouse pads, USB drives, gadgets, etc)
  • Update TVs- now might be the time to put away some of your spare TVs. Sure you got the kids’ TV from your sister when she upgraded and it has worked out well in the kids’ room but do you really want prospective viewers to see convenient but old technology (and while you’re at it, get rid of that VCR machine.) You can either pack the TV away to use in your new home, donate it to others and get a newer updated one, or you might even decide that now would be a good time for the whole family to cut back on TV consumption. 
  • Upgrade devices - While we’re talking about old technology, if you were thinking about upgrading a computer or player, go ahead and do it now. You’ll be able to enjoy the device, get rid of your old one, and have your house look “smarter.” It’s a win-win situation for all. 
  • Want to sell your home today? Call Karen F. Cormier at 603-620-5002 or email her at Please visit our home staging website at today!

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